Internationalization ofschool-running has been strengthened gradually.We have founded Qujing Branch of the Preparatory School forStudy Overseas in Yunnan, become one of the third batch of Chinese educationbase under the leadership of People's Government of Yunnan Province, andcommenced such joint talent cultivation programs as “2+2”, “3+1”, “3+1+1”etc. with Chiang Mai University in Thailand, Mansfield University ofPennsylvania in the USA and New Zealand College of Business and LincolnUniversity. We have established stable and friendly relations with 29 foreignuniversities and educational organizations including those from the UK, theUSA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, France, Ireland etc. In addition, we havehired more than 100 foreign teachers from the UK, the USA, Canada and Thailand,recruited over 400long-term and short-term overseas students, also established1 international Chinese language education promotion center, become a member ofthe International Communication Association on Education of Chinese Languageand initiated 1+2+1 Sino-America talent cultivation programs. On the whole, theinternationalization of school-running has been strengthened year by year. During the 13th Five-year plan, our schoolhas been adhering to innovative, connotative, transformation and characteristicdevelopment and always taking high moral values establishment and peoplecultivation as the fundamental task of education. We have carried out sevenprograms including cultivation of high-quality innovative talents, plateaudiscipline construction, improvement of service capability, introduction andtraining of leading talents, opening and integration, enhancement ofinfrastructural service capability, creation of top-quality cultural productsto constantly improve talent cultivation, scientific research, social serviceand cultural inheritance and innovation level, and enhance comprehensivestrength and core competitiveness of the school, and realize overalltransformation of school-running pattern as well. Only in this way, can wesucceed in realizing our goal of becoming an application-oriented university thatcan facilitate regional economic and social development with highcomprehensiveness, remarkable advantages in humanistic and social science andstriking features of teachers' education and finally lay a solid foundation forbuilding a local high-level university with striking features. (Data statistics as of March 2017) 周边环境 曲靖师范学院位于云贵高原中部的曲靖市,曲靖市地处云南省东部,位于东经102°42′-105°5′,北纬24°19′-27°03′之间,是南中国第一大河珠江的源头,东与贵州、广西毗邻,西与省会昆明接壤,南连文山、红河,北与昭通、贵州毕节相连,是云南连接内地的重要陆路通道,素有“滇黔锁钥”、“入滇门户”之称。下辖:麒麟区、宣威市、马龙县、会泽县、师宗县、陆良县、罗平县和富源县等九个县市。首府曲靖市有“小昆明”之称,人口:人口575万,地区面积28904平方公里。曲靖有着悠久的历史文化,是著名的爨文化发祥地。爨龙颜碑、爨宝子碑以其极高的书艺价值及史料价值而被世人推崇,被誉为“南碑瑰宝”、“神品第一”。庄骄开滇、秦修“五尺道”、诸葛亮“七擒孟获”。在漫漫历史长河中,这里演义过多少可歌可泣的历史壮举。从蜀汉诸葛亮南征,直至唐初的五百多年间,这里一直是云南政治、经济、文化的中心,因古代此地属曲州及靖州,故得“曲靖”之名。 |
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